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All Natural NOX Support and STUD MIX for Erectile Dysfunction. Cost Effective, supplements.

Writer's picture: David S Klein, MDDavid S Klein, MD

Introducing NOX SUPPORT for E.D.
NOX SUPPORT for Erectile Dysfunction


Introducing 'NOX Support:' Opens small blood vessels, improves blood flow and reduces the inconvenience of erectile dysfunction. Natural Supplement for E.D.

All natural, inexpensive treatment of E.D.
NOX Support. Take 3 capsules morning and 3 capsules in the evening

There are many products on the market from which to choose. It seems that every week or two, another one emerges. Pay very close attention to the supplement information label, and more importantly, learn what the 'effective dose' is for each of the many ingredients. It is easy for manufacturers to 'sprinkle' a little in, give them a line on the ingredients list, and make it look better. At Stages of Life, we formulate with the effective dose up front, and work out the 'number of capsules per serving,' later. It makes no sense to worry with how many capsules it takes when taking too few results in lower effectiveness. We broke the treatment into two very important supplements that effective help patients with Erectile Dysfunction.

NOX SUPPORT is a beautiful formulation that is helpful to deal with dilating the small arteries, or arterioles in many tissues. This can make it much safer than the Viagra, Cialis or Levitra effects that can influence the heart. NOX SUPPORT will have the same effect on the heart as it does on the genitals, making it very suitable for daily use.

You just never know when it may be 'show time.'


Step Number 2: Stud Mix, 3 capsules at bed time. A natural alternative to prescription ED medications.

Testosterone levels increase at night, usually between 3 and 4 in the morning. If you inhibit the degradation of testosterone to estradiol then, men will awaken with a surprise. It generally takes about 6 weeks of use for this to become a regular event in your love life. As you continue with the regimen, you will find that you need far fewer 'blue pills.'

One of favorite metaphors for designing a patient treatment involves a jigsaw puzzle. Each person, each disease state, each age and gender requires a different twist. So it goes with men and sexuality. When a man reaches the age of 40, his estrogen has already risen to a level that exceeds his (female) partner. This results in a 'dirty trick' of nature that involves the ratio of Testosterone to total estrogens in the blood stream.

For that reason, we add STUD MIX to the regimen. Taken every evening, this natural mixture increases testosterone AND decreases estrogen resulting in a healthier balance. Maximal effect is observed first thing in the morning, so additional time should be allowed on work days.

Works best at night, morning erections
Take (3) capsules every evening. STUD MIX

The combination of morning/afternoon use of NOX Support with evening use of STUD MIX results in dramatic improvement in performance.

Orlando Florida Longwood Florida Functional Medicine Hormone Replacement Pain  Medicine
David S. Klein, MD FACA FACPM

David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM

1917 Boothe Circle

Longwood, Florida 32750

Tel: 407-679-3337

Fax: 407-678-7246

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